Hey Illinois DECA! It’s your ILDECA Association President, Minzie Choi. For those attending ICDC 2024 in Anaheim, California, I hope you’re all feeling prepared for competitions which will be starting in a week! If you’re still looking for more resources to utilize, your Illinois DECA Vice President of Philanthropy, Kate Zhao, made a HyperDoc with various resources pertaining to all the different career clusters (thank you Kate!). If you’re in need of a place to start when studying for your competitive events, take a look at Kate’s HyperDoc and hopefully it can provide beneficial tools and information. A picture of what the HyperDoc looks like is attached below, and a viewer link to the document is also included. Email minziechoi@gmail.com or katezhao001@gmail.com if you have any questions. Happy studying, and remember, fortune favors the prepared!
