Sylvia Ugarcovici
Vice President of Philanthropy
Sylvia Ugarcovici, a junior and 3-year DECA member from Glenbrook North High School (GBN), is incredibly excited and honored to serve as a Vice President for the 2024-2025 Illinois DECA Association Officer Team!
Her freshman year, hearing “what the hecka is GBN DECA?!” everyday on the morning announcements, Sylvia decided to attend a meeting just to see what it would be like, not realizing the magnitude of impact that DECA would have on her high school experience and her aspirations for the future. Sylvia was immediately drawn to the Marketing cluster, and has competed in Principles of Marketing, Apparel and Accessories Marketing, and is now working on an Integrated Marketing Campaign-Service Written Event with one of her peers. Over the years, Sylvia has involved herself in DECA in various ways, participating in all levels of competitions and leadership. As a general member, mentor, and now board member for her chapter, she has been able to see the effects of DECA in different lights. She currently serves as the Vice President of Competitive Events for her school’s chapter, where she works with the rest of the board to enhance the learning experience and support GBNs success as a DECA chapter, not only competitively, but also as an organization.
Sylvia has always taken a keen interest in STEM, and ever since her seventh grade biology class, she narrowed it down to a strong passion for Neuroscience, attending summer programs at Northwestern University and Georgetown University the past two years to further her knowledge in such an exciting and rapidly expanding field. Although previously not considering other fields, since joining DECA Sylvia’s dream has evolved to one day launch a neuroscience start-up company focusing on research and treatment development for neurological disorders, combining her science and business knowledge and interests to do so. Because of her personal journey, Sylvia’s mission is to exemplify how the business and real-world knowledge gained from DECA can be applied to enhance any career path, inspiring all members to embrace the full potential of their futures.
Although Sylvia takes pride in her business professional outfits, she also loves her athleisure, and you’ll often find her at the gym, playing tennis, out for a walk, with family and friends, or grabbing a smoothie bowl from her favorite local spot. She also has a passion for music, playing the piano since 5 years old and curating her 24 Spotify playlists. Some of Sylvia’s other favorites include: summer, planners, her digital camera, stuffed and real animals, and scenic outdoor adventures.
Sylvia is looking forward to building a strong connection with the State Officer Team and members of Illinois DECA this year, taking on ILCDC in March and hopefully a business trip to Orlando, as well as practicing her stage smile and wave to perfection. Sylvia is ready to help make this a great year for Illinois DECA, full of excitement and opportunity, where everyone challenges themselves to “Be the One”!